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“After my in vitro fertilization failed, I wanted to be hit by a car,” said filmmaker Stephanie Coker

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Stephanie Coker, a television star and producer in Nigeria, has spoken up about her battle with polycystic ovary syndrome and the ways in which it contributed to her suicidal thoughts.

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Coker spoke up to Chude Jideonwo about her experience with in vitro fertilization (IVF) in an interview where she discussed the birth of her daughter Ariella and her subsequent failed effort to produce a second child using the same method.

She went on to say that her PCOS diagnosis was “life-threatening,” highlighting the fact that she was bedridden, had blood in her vomit, and had gone a whole year without a period.

The director revealed that she considered jumping in front of a moving car after feeling depressed following the failure of her second in vitro fertilization attempt.

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After the first in vitro fertilization (IVF) failed, I wanted to just stand there and let a car smash into me because I was so angry because I had gotten pregnant and had my first child on the first attempt.

Having a brother is something my daughter really desires. I refuse to board that plane again without my infant. “I don’t think the child liked me,” I told my friend over the phone. “It didn’t remain,” Coker bragged.

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