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Seven People Saved After Niger Mining Pit Collapsed

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On the heels of federal government authorities’ mobilization to the site in Galadima Kogo village, Shiroro local government area (LGA), seven people have been rescued alive from a collapsed mining site in Niger State.

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On Tuesday, this was confirmed by Dr. Dele Alake, minister of solid minerals development. Alake noted that the federal government’s quick action demonstrated its dedication to reducing the incident’s negative impact and saving lives among the trapped victims.

When we found out about the incident, we sent our Federal Mines Officer (FMO) and Mines Inspectorate officers to the location. Seven people, including several with injuries, have been rescued by our team working with the mining firm. Alake stated that rescue activities including excavators are still ongoing in order to prevent any casualties.

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Statements given to journalists by Segun Tomori, the minister’s special assistant on media, recalled that the minister had recently announced a policy that includes remedial measures for mining pits as a requirement for mining license applications; this policy is intended to reduce the occurrence of such accidents.

He announced that the minister is keeping a close eye on the mining site run by African Minerals and Logistics Ltd. and promised to study the disaster’s underlying causes in order to stop it from happening again.

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